Clad Plates - Explosion Bonding

Explosion Bonding
  • Explosion Bonding is performed in a remote isolated area.
  • Explosive is ignited at the centre using a high velocity Booster.
  • Detonations travels away from the initial point & across the Plate surface at the specified detonation rate.
  • Clad sheet collides with base Plate at a specific velocity and impact angle.
  • Pressure is created at the immediately approaching adjacent surface which are sufficient to take away thin layer of metal from each surface and eject it away in a jet.
  • Thin layer of Macro fusion is formed which looks like wavy weld line.
  • At the collision point, the newly created clean Metal surface impact at high pressure of several Gpa which forces metals into intimate contact while metallurgical weld solidifies across the complete surface.
  • Although there is much heat generated in the explosive detonation, there is no time for heat transfer to the metal. The result is an ideal metal to metal bond without melting or diffusion.
  • Explosion Bonding creates Metallurgical Bond of High Integrity is confined to a narrow weld region and leaves the original metal structures, Cold -Working , Dispersion or Precipitation Hardening - essentially undisturbed.
  • In simple words, we claim that Explosion Bonding Process is a Cold Process in which inherited properties of Parent Materials do not get disturbed or changed, except developed Stress due to Cold Work which can be pacified by Heat Treatment (Stress Relieving).
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